International cooperation

Chernivtsi high school of commerce (here and after CVKU) is a structural subdivision of State university of trade and economics. CVKU trains: cooks, pastry chefs, bakers, servers, bartenders, restaurant managers, restaurant administrators. Besides, CVKU provides professional junior bachelor qualification in specialty “Food technologies”.

CVKU is 83 years old. This educational establishment was initiated in 1941 by the decree of the Soviets. After Ukraine gained its independence, the school became a structural subdivision of Kyiv national university of trade and economics. The same year the school was renamed into Chernivtsi high school of commerce of State university of trade and economics (CVKU).

CVKU is one of the largest VET schools in Chernivtsi oblast.

Vocational education and training at CVKU is provided by the staff of 67 teachers: among them 5 PhD bearers, 20 high category specialists, 9 methodologists, 4 professionals obtain a “senior teacher” qualification, 8 teachers are awarded with the title “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”.

At present, actual number of CVKU students tends to 750 persons. They study secondary school and vocational subjects to obtain target professional qualifications. Besides, students are involved into extra curricular activities: all Ukrainian and international professional contests, sports competitions and Olympiads.

CVKU maintains international cooperation and partnership with VET schools from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia and Romania. Students and teachers actively participate in ERASMUS+ mobility programs and CB VET projects. Press here…

Address: Soborna square 2, Chernivtsi, 58001, Ukraine
Director: Kyryliuk Mykola
International cooperation managers:
Verstiuk Tetiana
Martyniuk Veroniia